After the release of the 16th installment of the PM Kisan Saman Nidhi Scheme in February, farmers are expecting the release of the 17th installment in June 2024. Let us give…
PM Kisan Saman Nidhi Scheme has paid 15 Installments yet, it’s time for the 16th Installment; therefore, everyone is looking for the PM Kisan 16th Installment Date. Well, the expected…
As far as the long delay in the last two 13th and 14th installments, everyone is now hoping for the best that the PM Kisan 15th Installment won’t be delayed. Till now,…
PM Kisan Yojana is an immense relief for needy farmers from the government of India. The government has now paid 12 installments to more than 10 crore farmers. Now, farmers…
Delay in the 13th installment of the Kisan scheme stipends. The PM Kisan 14th installment is still under delay. Now beneficiaries are waiting for the 14th installment, due in the…